Jul 18
Aug 10

The Big Butterfly Count


Boost your wellbeing and your karma by spending 15 minutes as a ‘citizen scientist’ (how cool is that?) in this year’s Big Butterfly Count.

Download the free app and head to a sunny green space – anything from a garden, local park or even a balcony with pot plants – and count how many butterflies you notice. The app has a target list of butterflies with pictures so you can identify what you see, and log your session.

Feel free to do more than one session if you get hooked on your nature fix, but even just one will help enormously. Butterflies are indicators of a healthy natural environment and, with half of Britain’s butterfly species already threatened or near threatened with extinction, it’s never been more important to understand how our butterflies are responding to the changing climate and to take action to protect them.

Organisers may cancel events, alter schedules, or change admission requirements without notice. Always check official sites before heading to an event.

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