The Horror Show! offers a heady ride through the disruption of 1970s punk to the revolutionary potential of modern witchcraft, showing how the anarchic alchemy of horror – its subversion, transgression and the supernatural – can make sense of the world around us. Horror not only allows us to voice our fears; it gives us the tools to stare them down and imagine a radically different future.
Featuring over 200 artworks and culturally significant objects, this landmark show tells a story of the turbulence, unease and creative revolution at the heart of the British cultural psyche in three acts – Monster, Ghost and Witch.
Organisers may cancel events, alter schedules, or change admission requirements without notice. Always check official sites before heading to an event.
27th Oct–19th Feb, 2023
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Advance sales: £16.50
Advance sales: £12.00
Advance sales: £12.00
Over 65s:
Advance sales: £12.00
- 235 m from Temple District LineCircle Line
- 0.5 km from Covent Garden Piccadilly Line
- 0.6 km from Embankment District LineCircle LineBakerloo LineNorthern Line
Typical weather at this time:
High: 21 ºC
Low: 14 ºC